10 Facts About Coffee You Didn't Know

10 Facts About Coffee You Didn't Know

If you’re the type that settles for nothing less than the best coffee beans in the world, you probably know a thing or two about your java. You know how to separate good coffee beans from the best coffee beans money can buy. You’re adept at picking up the subtlest of flavor notes and you enjoy nothing more than broadening your horizons with new and interesting beans.

Even so, chances are there are still one or two things you don’t know about coffee.

Here are a few semi-interesting nuggets of knowledge to impress (or bore) your friends with:

1) Coffee beans are actually seeds, not beans. Coffee beans come from the inside of a coffee cherry, which is a type of fruit. The seeds are then dried, roasted and ground to create the coffee we know and love.

2) Coffee beans can be stored in the freezer to preserve their flavor. Don’t let a surplus of the best coffee beans you’ve ever bought go to waste – freeze them! Coffee beans can be stored in an airtight container and can be kept in the freezer. However, it is a good idea to freeze coffee beans in batches (rather than bulked together), as any oxygen and moisture that enters the container when opened could compromise the quality of the other beans.

3) The caffeine content of coffee can vary greatly, depending on the type of bean and the method of preparation. The average cup of coffee contains 95mg of caffeine, but some may contain as much as 200mg of caffeine.

4) Coffee is a powerful natural antioxidant. Coffee contains polyphenol antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation and protect the body from free radicals.

5) The darker the roast, the less caffeine the coffee will contain. Darker roasts have less caffeine because the roasting process breaks down the caffeine molecules.

6) The oldest known coffee plant is believed to be over 500 years old and is located on the island of Java in Indonesia. The country, which was then known as the Dutch colony of Java, was a major supplier of coffee beans in the early 19th century. As a result, the term "java" became synonymous with coffee.

7) Coffee is the second most popular beverage in the world, second only to water. According to the International Coffee Organization, global coffee consumption reached a record high of 170.3 million bags back in 2021. Each bag weighs 60 kilograms (132 pounds).

8) Gourmet coffee from artisan producers can be better for your health. When you buy the best coffee beans in the world produced 100% organically, you’re assured of no chemicals, pesticides, or any other unpleasant additives in the mix.

9) Coffee is an important part of many cultures around the world. For example, in Ethiopia, coffee is an important part of the traditional ceremonies and is often served with a sweet bread called injera. Likewise, the Turkish are renowned for their coffee culture, which is deeply ingrained in their national identity.

10) Coffee has many scientifically proven health benefits, including helping to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and diabetes, as well as helping to improve brain function and alertness. It can also provide a welcome mood boost and energy kick when needed. All of this applies just as much to everyday java as it does to the very best coffee beans in the world.

At Higher Realms, you will find the best coffee beans in the world, from around the world. 

Wake up to Higher Realms and ascend to a whole new level of caffeinated bliss.

Elevate your morning!

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